


绛都春(秋晚,海棠与黄菊盛开) 乃翁元龙之作也。诗开半面花娇之景,忆着往日蜜烛夜阑之情。时背深院,夜袖香桂之味,似未始历久回环之乐。玉颜自度无须运用秋容变幻,但换却春游之伴,犹恍若保留前度之梦。复记邮亭倦客,不禁再次拈起笺管,婉转自如之间,留下阅尽风华之思。慵懒而舒展之态,余音缭绕,似有余香。诗之奇妙之处,内蕴丰富而情感深沉之意境,使人回味无穷。 +----------Translation: Appreciation of "Jiangdu Spring (Autumn Evening, Sea Holly and Yellow Chrysanthemum in Full Bloom)" by Weng Yuanlong. The original poem goes as follows: "The flowers are half in bloom. I remember the honey candles at midnight, intoxicated together in the deep courtyard. The fragrance on the night sleeves, as if untouched by time, is distant like years. The jade face does not change with the autumn, only the companions of spring outings change. The dream returns to the past, tired travelers at the post house, picking up the letter and pipe again. Lazily pressing down...". This poem is written in classical Chinese, with an ancient and elegant style, imitating the style of "Liezi". It includes about 10 traditional Chinese characters. Rejoice in the splendor of "Jiangdu Spring (Autumn Evening, Sea Holly and Yellow Chrysanthemum in Full Bloom)" by Weng Yuanlong. The poem unfolds with the delicate beauty of half-blooming flowers, recalling the sweet moments of honey candles at midnight. In that time, we found ourselves in the deep courtyard, surrounded by the lingering fragrance of the night. It feels as if the allure of spring lingers, yet has not been experienced for many years. The jade-like beauty does not need to change with the passing of autumn, only the companions of spring outings are exchanged. The dream takes us back to the past, weary travelers at the post house, once again picking up the pen and pipe. In a leisurely manner...". The poem carries an enchanting charm, with rich emotions and profound artistic conception, leaving an enduring aftertaste.